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Core Skills

Cross-Curricular Skills 

Literacy, numeracy and digital competence are mandatory cross-curricular skills within Curriculum for Wales. At West Monmouth School all teachers take responsibility to develop and ensure progression in these skills following the Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) and Digital Competence Framework (DCF) within their faculties. 

Numeracy at West Monmouth School 

At West Monmouth School we aim to provide learners with the skills to be numerically literate in their future lives; core skills which will allow them to thrive at home and in their chosen career. 

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) states: 

“Good numeracy is the best protection against unemployment, low wages and poor health.” 

We will provide learners with rich opportunities to use and develop their numeracy skills in a range of contexts to help learners interpret and explain the world around them. 

We understand that a lot has changed since parents attended school and we have developed a numeracy support guide to help parents support their children. 


Literacy at West Monmouth School 

The development of literacy skills lies at the heart of our curriculum; our learners are encouraged to extend their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in a range of contexts. 

Learners develop a wide range of oracy skills; they are encouraged to practise presentational talk and develop a rich vocabulary to express their ideas. Learners are further challenged to provide extended responses, justify their reasoning as well as summarise and question. 

Using the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) frameworks learners develop a variety of skills to read for purpose. They are challenged to understand how to synthesise what they read and be critical and evaluative of information and written sources. 

Writing skills are developed alongside oracy and reading. Good written communication is more than accurate spelling and grammar. Again, EEF frameworks are used by teaching staff to support learners in their understanding of how and why authors use writing in different ways for different audiences and purposes. 

We have developed a literacy support guide to help parents support their children. 

Digital Competence at West Monmouth School 

At West Monmouth School we want our learners to leave with the skills needed to thrive in our increasingly digital world. 

All new Year 7 learners are issued with their own Chrome book on arrival which are used across all subject areas to develop their skills. Teaching staff have developed a range of learning experiences designed to enable pupils to select and use the appropriate digital tools.