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Wellbeing Support at West Monmouth School

At West Monmouth School, we believe that pupils can only achieve academically if they first feel safe, happy and cared for and so we have invested heavily in a dedicated wellbeing team to help support our pupils. 

We are committed to providing a safe, happy and supportive learning environment for all pupils.  Our school ethos and curriculum ensure that pupils are educated in how to look after themselves, and of the importance of keeping safe and healthy.

Wellbeing is defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

Wellbeing provision at West Monmouth School is led by the Deputy Headteacher, and she has a team of staff who help provide care, support and guidance for all of our pupils. 

This team comprises five Heads of Learning; one for each year group, who lead a team of form tutors.  There is also a Pastoral Support Officer in place in Key Stage 3 and in Key Stage 4.