Pastoral Care
At West Monmouth School pastoral care means looking after the total welfare of each pupil.
In providing the right environment and support for all its pupils, the school recognises that all teachers are involved in the pastoral care of its pupils. However, many members of staff have designated pastoral responsibilities and some members have specific pastoral roles. Pastoral matters can be dealt with during the daily pastoral period. For example, a specific team of form tutors in Year 7 under the leadership of the Head of Learning for Year 7, support the pupils as they settle into their new environment.
Each year group’s team of pastoral teachers is managed by the Heads of Learning. These members of staff fulfil a wide-ranging pastoral role, and who are the first point of contact between school and home. The Head of Transition will work closely with Year 6 pupils and will build on our strong and successful links to the primary schools within the West Monmouth catchment area. The importance that the school attaches to these links is reinforced by subject staff who spend some of their time teaching lessons in the primary schools. This allows the primary pupils to become familiar with the staff at West Monmouth, and ultimately make the transition process as smooth as possible.
Leadership of the Pastoral Team is provided by the Assistant Head in charge of Pastoral Care. The team meets regularly to discuss matters of pastoral concern and to further develop the pastoral programme which provides a strong framework for the school’s pastoral care.