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Additional Learning Needs Department

West Monmouth School is fully committed to upholding the statutory system set out in the Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales (2021), in order to meet the requirements of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 and meet the needs of our learners.

This includes:

  • Ensuring that the profile of additional educational needs is recognised as a whole school issue.
  • Assessing the needs of young people identified as possibly having an additional learning need in a timely manner in order to provide additional appropriate support and/or resources to meet their needs and increase their independence.
  • Ensuring that the voice of the young person and his/her parents/carers are heard and listened to at all stages of provision.
  • Supporting the young person to function to the best of his/her ability, and have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
  • Ensuring all staff are appropriately supported and or trained to meet the variety of needs of learners.

We aim to provide young people with the skills, knowledge and concepts which will enable them to function as responsible members of the community and to lead full, safe and satisfying lives.




Meeting the Needs of Learners with Additional Learning Needs

Our Aims and Objectives

1.    To ensure that the profile of additional educational needs is recognised as a whole school issue.

2.   To assess the needs of young people and to provide additional appropriate support and/or resources to meet their needs and increase their independence.

3.   To ensure that the voice of the young person and his/her parents/carers are heard and listened to at all stages of provision.

4.   To support the young person to function to the best of his/her ability in an integrated mainstream situation  which allows, access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.

5.   To ensure all staff are appropriately supported and or trained to meet the variety of needs of learners.

6.   To provide young people with the skills, knowledge and concepts which will enable them to function as  adequate responsible members of the community and to lead full, safe and satisfying lives.

If you have any concerns relating to your child’s:

  • Learning
  • Behaviour, Social and emotional Development
  • Communication skills
  • Physical impairments
  • Language barriers (English is an additional language)

you may contact:

Mrs Kathryn Williams (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator).
