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School History

Our school was first opened in 1898 as a boarding school for boys. It was built and funded by the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers, using monies from the estate of William Jones, Merchant Adventurer whose portrait still hangs in the headteacher’s office today.

William Jones was born in the village of Newland in the Forest of Dean. between 1545 and 1550.  He was sent to Monmouth as an apprentice, from where he moved to London at around the age of 20.  It is widely believed that his fortune was made as a haberdasher, yet there is some confusion as to whether all of his fortune was made this way.  Whatever the truth behind his wealth, it is certain that he did become very rich before his death, which is believed to have been in Hamburg in January 1615.

In his last will and testament, dated 26 December 1614 he left the sum of “nyne thousand pounds to the Company of Haberdashers of London to ordain a Preacher, a Free School and Alms houses for twenty poor and distressed people, as blind and lame as it shall seem best to them, of the Town of Monmouth, where it shall be bestowed”.  The resultant school was built in 1615 in Monmouth.