Attendance Policy 2024
Attendance at West Monmouth School
Regular attendance can make a big difference to a young person’s future. Every moment in school counts, with attendance directly linked to improved exam performance which in turn leads to further learning opportunities and better prospects for our learners. Most children and young people enjoy school and attend every day. But some regularly miss out. It is vital that staff work together with parents and external agencies effectively to support learners and their families to provide support and ensure regular attendance at school.
We will provide an environment where all pupils feel valued and welcomed and are committed to the fundamental principle that early intervention and partnership working is crucial in ensuring the attendance, protection and well-being of all children and young people.
The school will follow the All Wales Child Protection procedures and local protocols in relation to specific and identifiable welfare issues that prevent a child or young pupil from accessing education, or where there are safeguarding concerns.
Our Approach
Please ensure that your child attends school every day and is on time. If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school to explain the absence. Morning registration will take place at the start of the school day. Registers will remain open for a maximum of 30 minutes, in accordance with WG guidance. Any learner arriving after this time will be marked as having an unauthorised absence.
The school is working with Torfaen County Borough to improve school attendance across the area to ensure all learners have the best chance of succeeding. At West Monmouth we support the Strive for 95% initiative, implemented by Torfaen County Borough alongside supporting the #NotInMissOut campaign.
Fixed Penalty Notices for non-school attendance have now been re-instated by Welsh Government following the pandemic and the school will utilise these alongside the Local Authority in the case of unauthorised absence and/or an unauthorised holiday.
So, it’s time to get attendance back on track. For more information visit
90% attendance = half a day per week lost
Potential for 5 A* - C passes…
Potential + 90% attendance = 37% chance
Potential + 94% attendance = 74% chance
Keep informed – website & Facebook
Support Available
Our school has a dedicated pastoral team and an allocated Education Welfare Officer who can help support you with any difficulties you may have with your child’s attendance at school. In the first instance, please contact Mrs Harrhy, Family Engagement Officer to inform the school or your child’s absence.
The school offers a wide range of interventions to support your child’s attendance. This includes well-being support via the Hafan provision, academic and attainment intervention from the Learning Hub and Woodlands, or emotionally available adults to support your child in school through the pastoral support officers and family engagement officer. The school also works collaboratively with external agencies, such as Inspire to Achieve, Families First, Outreach and CAMHS to ensure that your child receives the support they need.
If you require any further support in helping your child return to school, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s head of learning to arrange a meeting. Please see the relevant contact details below:
Year 7 –
Year 8 –
Year 9 –
Year 10 –
Year 11 –
In addition to support available from West Mon, the Education Welfare Service also offer family advice and support. The Education Welfare Service offers a range of information, advice and assistance for children, young people and their families on a range of issues relating to family life which may be impacting on their school attendance.
Please visit to find out more.