Extra Curricular Activities
West Monmouth has a wide range of extra-curricular activities that offer the pupils the chance to explore new interests and develop those they already love.
As well as the sports clubs and trips mentioned elsewhere in this prospectus, we have an equally vibrant music scene. Our school choir and orchestra perform frequently inside and outside of school, and have gained an excellent reputation. The school is well served by peripatetic teachers of wood, string, brass and percussion instruments for pupils who would like specialist tuition. Pupils are given the opportunity to demonstrate both their musical and dramatic talents in public productions, and in the school and Pontypool Eisteddfodau.
Activities and clubs change frequently, according to staff expertise and pupil demand, but some of those currently available specialise in Art, Drama, Computers, Public Speaking and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Voluntary work for charities plays an important part in school life and the academic year is punctuated by frequent fundraising events, ranging from the Harvest food collection, sponsored sports challenges, to cake sales.
Most departments build into their programmes of study visits and trips that enrich their day-to-day work. For instance, Geography and History arrange field trips. English and Drama organise theatre visits and in-house productions by travelling theatre groups, poets and story-tellers. The Languages Department arrange the annual Year 7 trip to Llangrannog. Most recent trips include Italy, Austria, New York and the rugby tour to Canada. The Science Department frequently takes pupils to lectures and science exhibitions. A strong link has been formed with Cambridge University, which allows pupils the opportunity to visit as well as hold regular video conferences. The Business Studies Group regularly visits local organisations and businesses.
West Monmouth prides itself on being the centre of the community and it has forged strong social and business links with many local organisations. Our longstanding commitment to the older members of our community is well-known, with the Christmas Concert and afternoon tea being a very special get together, eagerly anticipated by old and young alike.
As you can see, the school is buzzing with extra curricular opportunities that both support and extend the curriculum and which offer the pupils a rich alternative environment in which to pursue their interests and entertain their minds.